Editorial change on this website

There is a lot of websites about space on the internet. What I find missing from this are websites that speak about what might be out there, possibilities and theories. That is the reason why I have not written on anything on this website for past eight months. I’ve been thinking what I should do about this website. I have finally made up my mind.

I am going to write about theoretical ideas about space. What might be out there and what things might be. Since this is theoretical website about space I am going to be less limited what we already know about space and what it contains. It is going to take a while until I get my first subject ready, I am working on it currently and I don’t know yet when it is going to be ready for publishing.

This website is not dead, it however has been hibernating for past eight months as do many other websites that I run today.

2 Replies to “Editorial change on this website”

  1. Interesting, looking forward reading your ideas.
    But are you also going to write about spacetime?

    1. Yes. I am going to be talking about space-time. I do however find it a complicated subject so it is going to be a while until I write something about it.

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